The UK in a changing Europe Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), this initiative will explore the key aspects of UK and EU dynamics, including: Impact of EU policies: how EU policies make a difference in areas such as, the single market, financial regulation, trade, investment, growth and the free movement of people Attitudes towards the EU: social and […]
Open the Door: social science research for development and a sustainable future
New publication from the European Commission. Download the full text in PDF from the website. Provides descriptions and examples of key EU research programmes in these fields. Each entry include details of partners, description and outcome.
European Data Portal
Launched this month, a new resource developed by the European Commission offering free access to over 240,000 datasets from 28 European Nations. These are harvested from open government data from EU nations websites. It is possible to search or browse by category, records give source information, URLs and license terms. Datasets can often be exported […]
Eurobarometer site upgrade
European Commission has recently revamped the Eurobarometer website. If you have not visited it before Eurobarometer is a great place for tracing free high quality cross-national comparative surveys of citizens from European nations. The first survey was held in 1974 and focused upon inflation. It is possible to download all the surveys and their accompanying […]
Register to vote
Register to vote in UK national, local and EU elections. More information at and
Levels of support for the EU
This week saw the launch of a new group Conservatives for Britain which will lobby for withdrawal from the EU if renegotiation does not secure a better relationship. See the website of its key member Steve Baker and a recent podcast from a Bruges Group event featuring John Redwood for further insight. However, a recent […]
Public opinion polls conducted for the European Commission.
EU budget
Open data about the EU budget can be found on the European Commission’s Budget web pages. Information on how to apply for EU funding is included on the site as is a breakdown of what each country contributes to and receives from the EU. The EU also publishes its financial reports online: the latest include […]
The statistical office of the European Union provides high quality statistics on the European economy, demographics, industry, trade, environment and technology. Recent additions to Eurostat include: infographics – for example Young Europeans, visualisations – for example on the quality of life moblie apps Details of all the above available at
Historical Archives of the European Union
The Historical Archives of the European Union (HAEU)are held in the historic Villa Salviati in Florence. The collection comprises official papers and individual correspondence/personal papers many of which were at one time confidential or secret. They are made public after 30 years. Documents can be consulted in the reading rooms at Villa Salviati and 6 […]
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