English Social Mobility Index 2024
The annual Index is published by the Higher Education Policy Institute and compiled by London South Bank University. It measures the social mobility of graduates from individual universities. This year the top places go to: University of Bradford Aston University University of Wolverhampton Methodology based on access continuation and outcomes is provided.
The LSE-Real Estate Economics and Finance index
REEF provides data on local property markets in England and Wales 2010-2020 using price paid data. Methodology provided on the website.There is also an interactive data dashboard here.
Anne Lister
Anne Lister Research Summit resources are now online. View resources including videos from the 2023 summit on the world of ‘Gentleman Jack’ Anne Lister. These cover queer theory and the lives of gay women in English history.
Festival of the accused
Videos or discussion and debate on the history of witch trials from a recent conference held at the British Library in November 2023.Included are Witch hunt: The brutal reality of the English Witch Trials and their resonance today, a debate on the history of persecution with Malcolm Gaskill, Marion Gibson and Shahidha Bari. Also available is […]
RISE – Research Institute for Social Mobility and Education
This week saw the launch of RISE a new think tank, part funded by the University of Bolton which will conduct research into areas of education and social mobility policy focussing primarily in the North around the Bolton region. It will have particular value in looking at the extent of and how to correct regional imbalances in the […]
Wider determinants of Health Tool launched
A great new tool for Public Health England which uses official data to explore the social and economic and environmental factors which impact on the health of the English population. It measures on 7 domains: the natural and built environment, work and the labour market, vulnerability, income, crime, education the set of Marmot indicators (developed […]
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