European Elections
L’histoire des élections européennes (1952-2014) If you are interested in the history of the European Parliament, CVCE has compiled a selection of resources (explanatory texts, photos and graphics) and oral accounts (mainly French language) on the European Parliament from its establishment in 1952 to the present day. There is a particularly good section on the move towards […]
Audit of Political Engagement in UK
2014 Audit of Political Engagement released by the Hansard Society This annual report considers knowledge, understanding, engagement and participation in politics by the British public. The full text can be downloaded from the website. This year it also covers attitudes towards the European Parliament elections and trust of MPs and parliament. The statistics include breakdowns of […]
Glocalism …a new peer-reviewed, open-access and cross-disciplinary journal, published every four months by the association Globus et Locus. It aims to explore globalisation , localism, politics innovation and culture. It will have Twitter feeds and audio content. The Editorial committee includes Arjun Appadurai Goddard Professor of Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University; Zygmunt […]
Governments and Facebook
Government requests for data from Facebook Which governments request information the most from Facebook? First report from Facebook covers 6 months from January-June 2013. Governments make requests to Facebook and many other companies seeking account information in official investigations. The vast majority of these requests relate to criminal cases, such as robberies or kidnappings. In […]
Social Media – recent findings
Eurobarometer survey – e communications households What do households in EU nations think of their broadband speed, quality of service and tariffs for internet use. Latest public opinion poll from Eurobarometer. The role of social media in the Arab uprising The latest issue of free online journals Westminster papers in communication and culture Vol 9 […]
Twitter transparency report Latest update on official requests for information and take down from governments to Twitter. For monitoring of internet by governments try the Herdict site from Berkman Institute. It has crowd sourced, examples of blockages and possible censorship. For a different kind of tweet, Radio 4 tweet of the day – listen to […]
Media Use in the Middle East
…from Northwestern University in Qatar Major 8 nation survey on media use. Reveals that Arab citizens afraid to express themselves online and also gives detailed data on type and quantity of media use. Key countries covered are: Lebanon, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan and United Arab Emirates. Of over 10,000 people surveyed […]
Innovative use of social media in the Pakistan elections
The Election commission worked with a site called Jaag Pakistan website which aimed to encourage reporting of electoral fraud and violence. This used crowd sourced technology. View the online map for reported instances.
Sources of data on human rights in the Middle East/ Arab world
Arab Barometer – Established in 2005 by scholars in the Arab world and the United States. Data on political attitudes of Arab citizens. Arab Democracy Index -A project of the Arab Reform Initiative (a consortium of fifteen key policy research centers from the Arab world with partners from Europe and the United States) Biennial reports […]
Citizen journalism websites
Guardian Witness A new site for citizens to share news photos and views. There will be an assignments section where editors will issue call outs for copy on specific topics. See the contributions on Margaret thatcher’s funeral. They include some protest shots. CNN has a similar citizen service which has been running for several years. […]
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