A new report from the Centre for Social Justice http://www.centreforsocialjustice.org.uk/publications – It Happens Here: Equipping the United Kingdom to fight modern slavery – argues that the authorities do not know the scale of human trafficking in the UK. See reports and a strategy for tackling human trafficking on the Home Office website: http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/crime/human-trafficking/ The UK […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Ageing in the UK
A new report is available from The House of Lords Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/lords-select/public-services-committee/news/report-press-release/ Also issued recently a report from NESTA entitled ‘5 hours per day’ which investigates the impact of ageing and suggests new models of living and working in an ageing society: http://www.nesta.org.uk/publications/assets/features/five_hours_a_day Other useful sites for getting reports […]
http://open.undp.org/ New open data website from the United Nations Development Programme. Get official data on over 6,000 development projects in 177 countries worldwide. It includes data on individual projects and about aid flows. You can download data in IATI XML, CSV, and JSON formats.
Sisterhood and After
http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/sisterhood/about.html A website from the British Library developed in association with Sussex University and the Women’s library. It Covers the oral history of the women’s liberation movement from the 1960s onwards. Site is divided into key themes with timelines, biographies, interviews and teachers resources. The latter include classroom notes, glossaries and links to related websites. […]
MyWorld Survey
A major global survey for citizens launched by the United Nations and partners. It asks respondents to prioritise six out of sixteen possible issues in order to gather data about values to inform future global development plans. The survey will be running until 2015. The blog http://blog.myworld2015.org/ will be providing updates on the purpose and […]
Google Reader
Plans to discontinue Google Reader (the RSS feed reader) have been announced. Articles on this available here http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/mar/14/google-reader-rss-retired and What Does the Demise of Google Reader Tell Us About Open Web Standards? This brief article is followed by blog posts suggesting alternatives to Google Reader: http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/poll/2013/mar/14/google-reader-will-you-miss-it-alternatives-poll Feedly is coming out as a strong alternative: http://www.feedly.com/ Netvibes […]
Google public alerts
http://www.google.org/crisisresponse/publicalerts/ Google is now advertising public service crisis and disaster alerts. This includes coverage of Japan where it is being used for earthquake warnings: http://googleblog.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/public-alerts-for-google-search-google.html A useful blog for locating information reports event on use of new media for crisis communication is the iRevolution.net maintained by Patrick Meier: http://irevolution.net/
PingER – how bad is the Internet in Africa?
The PingER (Ping End-to-end Reporting) Internet End-to-end Performance Measurement (IEPM) project monitors performance of Internet links from over 700 sites in 160 nations. It is currently using technology to measure the digital divide in internet access and speed across the world. The project website has a lot of very technical data and presentations. But for […]
International Women’s Day: 8th March
This year’s UN International Women’s Day focuses on ending violence against women. The song One Woman is released today to help laucnh the campaign. Hear it here: http://song.unwomen.org/
Human Rights Web Archive
http://hrwa.cul.columbia.edu/ Launched by Columbia University, the archive is a searchable and browsable collection of over 500 websites created by non-governmental organizations, national human rights institutions, tribunals and individuals from countries throughout the world. The archive includes websites harvested from 2008 to the present, with new sites added regularly. Useful supplement to HURIDOCS http://www.huridocs.org/ a global […]
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