Trillion Dollar Scandal A New One Report which exposes corruption in developing countries. It argues that more than 3.5 million lives a year could be saved if the G20 cracked down on the corrupt business practices, money laundering and tax evasion that cost the world’s poorest countries at least a trillion dollars a year. It […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Global Competitiveness Report
World Economic Forum: latest global competitiveness report released It assesses the competitiveness landscape of 148 economies. The site has a data section with rankings and displays of different types of charts. It includes historic data going back to 2006.
Students and immigration
Foreign students and Immigration: Should they be counted in net figures? The debate continues. Other good places for research: UK official immigration data Parliamentary discussion: the Home affairs select committee has some recent reports. Universities UK has research on public attitudes towards foreign students. IPPR conducted research in 2012 HEFCE has data on demand for […]
Who runs Britain?
Who runs Britain 2014 The second annual report from Counting Women which examines women’s participation in public life in the UK. It find that although women are 51% of the population – they are under represented in politics, parliament and local government. For a different viewpoint see Elitist Britain the new report from the Social Mobility […]
Documentaries on Palestine
Palestinian docs Website that features information about documentary films which focus upon Palestine and life of Palestinians, compiled by University of St. Andrews, Scotland and Eva University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Themes covered include the diaspora, the Arab-Israeli conflict and specific disputed areas such as Gaza . Entries have summaries, links to excerpts and, where available, full access […]
How can social media be used in emergencies?
The Communication and Complex Emergencies Project is a collaboration between the University of Adelaide’s Applied Communication Collaborative Research Unit (ACCRU) and the Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC). The project’s main objectives are to highlight the role of communication, including new and social media, in complex emergencies and in support of humanitarian assistance. The website includes details […]
What will work be like in 2022?
What will work be like in 2022? Research from Price Waterhouse Cooper. It comprises a survey of over 10,000 people from India, Germany, the UK and the US who consider what work will be like and how technology will change. Three main scenarios are offered. See more on management needs on the PWC site.
In-work poverty
Great posting from the European Parliamentary service posted by Verena Kern which links to EU related report with research and data covering all 28 EU nations. Shows in-work poverty is a phenomenon that affected 9,1 percent of the working age EU population in 2012.
Women and low pay
A number of reports have revealed a gender disparity in pay rates. The Fawcett society published The changing labour market 2: women, low pay and gender equality in the emerging recovery – which included an analysis of employment data and a survey of over 1,000 working women. it revealed more women workers than men were on […]
Humanitarian Data
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has launched the Humanitarian Data Exchange to offer a single access point to statistics from the United Nations, NGOs and other bodies covering humanitarian issues such as refugees, food security and aid.
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