According to the Walk Free Foundation there are 38.5 million slaves worldwide. including 8,300 in the UK. Read policy reports from the UK government Anti-Slavery International website contains news and links to online resources. Annual reports on human trafficking can be downloaded from the US State Department
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Digital divide 2014
Latest report from the ITU on the Information society gives data on the level of ICT development in 166 economies worldwide. ICT -Eye has more free telecommunications statistics.
Where is the best place to be a woman?
According to the 2014 Global Gender Gap report issued by the World Economic Forum – Iceland is top of the rankings. It benchmarks national gender gaps of 142 countries on economic, political, education- and health-based criteria. ILO website gender data World Bank Genderstats
Hunger in Britain today The conclusion of The report of the All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry into Hunger in the United Kingdom was published this week. It sets out a series of policy recommendations for the government. Find reaction and up to date statistics on the use of food banks from the Trussell Trust. The role of women […]
UK household spending
How much do UK Households spend? Find the latest annual data on trends in food, entertainment, housing and fuel from the ONS.
HIV and adolescent girls
Girls disproportionately affected by HIV Although the death toll from AIDS has fallen by 30% since 2005, a recent report from UNICEF shows that rates remain high among adolescent girls.
How many times a day do you look at your phone? The latest tecmark study of UK smartphone users found the average was over 200! Get the full report with gender breakdowns from the website.
International Day to End Violence Against Women
Marked by the UN on 25th November. This year Orange used a social media campaign for publicity. Shocking statistics from UNWomen show why this day is necessary. World Health Organization, Global and Regional Estimates of Violence against Women (2013). Violence against women: an EU wide survey (2014). Women’s Aid website for data and reports covering […]
Poverty in the UK
The latest Joseph Rowntree Foundation annual monitoring report – 20% of working age adults without children are in poverty.
Kenya and culture
Kenya’s new constitution and cultural rights Based at the Open University, the Katiba project is exploring how new rights given by the 2010 constitution are effecting attitudes towards indigenous knowledge and cultural heritage.
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