The latest report from Coin Desk stated that in 2014 Bloomberg regarded Bitcoin as the worst performing currency. Download the full report with future predictions from the website. Quandl and Coinmetrics also have Bitcoin data
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Violence against journalists
Following the Charlie Hebdo atrocity read the statement to the nation from French President Francois Hollande and view this homage A snapshot of newspaper coverage from around the world can be seen in the front page headlines for Jan 8/12preserved in the Newseum For further discussion of media coverage try Jean-Marie Charon, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. The CPJ records that […]
How much are new graduates paid?
Find out by downloading the latest Graduate Market report from High Fliers Research. It includes data on recruitment trends.
Bank of England release secret minutes on the financial crisis
What did the bank know about the impending financial crisis in May and June 2007? Find out from contemporary minutes just released on the Bank of England website. The website has the full text and explanatory notes. The Guardian refers to it as a diary of a shambles. See also the BBC analysis.
Thomas Piketty and Capital in the Twenty-First Century
The author of Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013) was in the news over xmas as he rejected an honour from the French government, Here are some free resources which will enable you to find out more about his work He is professor (directeur d’études) at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales and Professeur […]
Ofcom Market Research
Ofcom has many market research reports on media issues.
How has the Internet changed your life?
According to the latest Pew Internet report many Americans feel better informed. Browse the Pew site to find many other examples of the use of new technology in social, economic and political life. A report by Demos this week covered the issue of trust examining case studies from Twitter. Ofcom has large scale data on […]
How much is an Oxbridge degree worth?
Released this week- interesting data in the Earning by Degree report from the Sutton Trust which considers differences in earnings from graduates from different universities and in different subject areas. Oxbridge graduates have on average starting salaries approximately 42% higher than post 1992 universities. For further data on graduate salaries: Try the Higher Education Statistics […]
Open government
How open is your government? The latest Global Open Data Index from the Open Knowledge Foundation ranks 97 nations according to the openness of their data on 10 themes: national statistics, government budget, election results, legislation, national maps, company registers, transport timetables., pollution levels, postcodes and government spending. Useful examples from the UK government at […]
What are the most popular online purchases?
Recent date from the ONS allows you to discover what types of products are purchased by different age-groups.
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