The new Bangsamoro Conflict Monitoring System from Alert and the World Bank is collecting current and historic data on incidences of political violence in the region. It includes reports and charts of conflicts.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
UK elections
‘Only 16% of 18-24 year olds certain to vote’ One of the findings from the latest annual audit of UK political engagement published by the Hansard Society. Other topics include levels of trust in politicians and the impact of the Scottish referendum on turnout. Staff and students can use Box of Broadcasts (TV and Radio Recordings) […]
Nigerian Security
Nigerian Presidential elections are due to take place soon. The Nigeria Security Tracker from the Council on Foreign Relations provides a useful tool for understanding the background of political violence since 2011.
Women: political and economic participation
Beijing +20 The UN has launched a new website to mark the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, a visionary agenda for women’s empowerment. Relive the occasion with Hillary Clinton’s inspiring speech However a recent summary report has revealed that, despite progress, urgent action is still needed in some areas. IPU […]
UNESCO open data
UNESCO has created a new portal with data on annual expenditure and ongoing projects since 2014. It includes donor, regional and theme based information.
Online Privacy
Concerns about online privacy have surfaced in a number of key reports recently. Last week the Intelligence and Security Committee reviewed the extent of online surveillance by UK intelligence agencies. UNESCO recently released a draft of its Internet study on privacy, access to information, freedom of expression, and ethics. The British Library has published a […]
How do recent graduates communicate?
Does the transition from college to the workplace effect how you communicate? This question was considered in a recent qualitative study by Google staff at the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
State of the World 2014/15: Amnesty International
Amnesty International’s annual review of human rights includes overview essays and country surveys covering freedom, rights, discrimination and abuses. Other annual surveys include: Freedom House- Freedom in the World report. Department of State Country Reports on Human Rights Practices Foreign and Commonwealth Office Human Rights and Democracy Report.
Rapping the News
Rap News Plus from the official Vietnamese News Agency produces short rap videos aimed at young people from 15 to 25, news topics covered have included the Snowden leaks, European football Read about it in the World Editors news blog.
Media use of Images
BagNews provides useful discussion between photojournalists and researchers on the framing of particular events using photographs. The most recent discussion considers the representation of surveillance in traditional and social media.
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