The latest annual report from the US government traces trends and ranks nations worldwide. All reports from 2001 can be downloaded from the website. The United Nations UNODC also produces reports on global trafficking Its website also contains a legal database of human trafficking case law The ILO maintains a site with information and facts […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
How the BBC is using WhatsApp
A really interesting case study and webinar made available by World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers which discusses use of social media by the BBC World Service to increase engagement. It covers how this was developed from the India 2014 elections to the recent African Ebola crisis.
Money, Politics and Finance
New site with data on politics money and campaign finance worldwide. It is a collaboration between the Sunlight Foundation, Global Integrity and the Electoral Integrity Project. It includes case studies of political finance regulation. Also a new MPT dataset which ranks and documents the regulation and enforcement of political finance laws in 54 nations worldwide. […]
Thousands of women are criminalised needlessly
According to the latest Report from the All Party Parliamentary Group on Women in the Penal System large numbers of women are being sent to prison for short term sentences which are wasteful to the system
IFES revamp website
International Foundation for Electoral systems has launched a new version of its website with its latest annual report which covers its work in promoting free elections worldwide. Other great features of the site include a searchable database of election observation reports, surveys, ballot papers and documents from around the world.
Demos Integration Hub
Think-tank Demos has created a special mapping integration area which is examining evidence of racial and ethnic integration/segregation in Britain today. It is spotlighting evidence from major social surveys and academic research and identifying any gaps in knowledge. Key topics currently covered are housing, work and social welfare with education and identity being added soon.
Violence against women and girls annual report
Just released from the CPS, the report shows a substantial increase in the number of crimes reported and the number of successful prosecutions in the UK. See strategies, policy reports and earlier annual reports on the CPS website. For world wide estimates of the prevalence of violence, see the WHO site which has a 2013 estimate […]
LGBT Hate crime under-reported
88% of UK LGBT people have experience emotional or physical hate crime and only 14% have felt able to report the most recent crimes to the police. Shocking statistics from new University of Leicester Centre for Hate Studies report. Follow more news from them via twitter.
YouTube Newswire launched
A new Youtube channel in association with social media site Storyful which aims to present verified eye witness citizen journalism films. Main storylines covered will be current news, weather and politics.
Emoji is the fastest growing language
Emoji’s are ‘pictographs. Originally used in Japanese electronic messages, many characters have now been incorporated into Unicode and the launch of an image only social network has been announced. A recent study by Professor V. Evans, from Bangor University, concluded that it is the fastest growing language in the UK with over 80% using […]
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