Latest analysis from researchers at the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), Harvard University and the University of Cambridge found that generally they did even during the latest economic recession. One significant finding – the increase was largest for English women around 10 years after graduation who had earnings 3 times higher than non graduates. Get […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Labour Leadership elections
With the election of Jeremy Corby- The New Policy Network has just published a new essay – After New Labour: The Corbyn surge and the future of social democracy in Britain by Andrew Gamble a professor of politics at the University of Sheffield. Another recent publication on a related theme is from IPPR Learning the right […]
A new open source tool from the Times which has been designed to allow journalists to upload, search and get transcriptions of quotes from online videos which they can then embed in their articles. Read the explanation from the Nieman Lab or download directly from the website.
Variations in Health Care
The NHS Variation in HealthCare atlas 2015 has just been published in collaboration with NHS England, Public Health England and NHS Right Care. It has 102 maps showing regional variations in health care, costs, services and outcomes in different areas of the UK. Another useful source for variation analysis is the Kings Fund in 2011 […]
Where is the Best Place to Grow old?
Find out by consulting the Global Agewatch Index 2015 from HelpAge International which ranks 96 nations . It is based on international data sets drawn from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the World Bank, World Health Organization, International Labour Organization, UNESCO and the Gallup World Poll. Issues covered include: income, health, environment […]
The OfficialpapersUK blog was launched today. Managed by members of the Standing Committee on Official Papers (SCOOP) it will have regular posts alerting you to collections, web archives and news about official publications from across the UK and further afield.
LGBT History Digital Collaboratory
Exciting project based at the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA), the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA), the Transgender Archives and the Archives of Lesbian Oral Testimony (ALOT). It is seeking to build a network for LGBT oral history digital archives online across North America. It is supported by […]
World Bank Archives Digitization
The World Bank Archives website is providing increasing free access to full text papers and documents as part of a digitization policy. The Archives contains the administrative and operational records created by the World Bank Group institutions, and offers a vast amount of original primary source research material related to economic development. Topics include including lending […]
Global cost of dementia set to reach US $1 trillion by 2018…
…according to the latest annual World Alzheimer report 2015 . It also includes literature reviews on the societal impact of dementia and evidence that its rate is increasing. The UK Alzheimer’s society estimates the cost alone in the UK as £26 billion. See the calculations on their website. For more information try: UK government website […]
Women work for free for 100 minutes per day…
ccording to the National Management Salary Survey published by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) and salary specialist XpertHR. This calculation is made on the basis of a survey of 72,000 UK managers. They calculate that women in equivalent managerial roles earn on average 22% less which equals in 1 hour 40 minutes extra unpaid work for women […]
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