An interesting new report from the Media Reform Coalition states that 3 companies own 71% of the market. It includes coverage of ownership and control of local newspapers, radio, TV and national print and online services.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Is Britain fairer?
The Equality and Human Right Commission has just released the 2015 review of the state of human rights in the UK – Is Britain fairer? It measures progress since 2010 in a number of key domains. Life Health Physical security Legal security Education Standard of living Productive and valued activities Individual, family and social life Identity, […]
Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences
A new free open access journal from Brill and a number of research institutes based in the Netherlands seeks to highlight research based on data. All articles focus upon methods and associated datasets are stored in DANS Materials are in English and Dutch. The first issue has content on socio-economic history.
Women on Boards
Latest 5 year progress summary from Lord Davies shows progress. Get the full data plus previous reports from the UK government website. CBI response Women on Boards resource centre has numerous links to academic and business research reports and resources Fawcett society response to the report. Academic comment on the Conversation blog
Early-Career Researchers: your views are needed
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) want to find out more about the issues facing early-career social scientists. A survey has been commissioned by the UCL Institute of Education. Access it here and answer their questions about: Your motivations for doctoral study Your current employment and future aspirations Availability of career advice and […]
Key Note help videos
Key Note has produced a suite of help videos; find them at Key Note provides market reports for the UK market and 10 years’ financials for UK companies. It is also useful for people looking for a job in the UK in that it allows you to search for companies by geographical location, sector […]
Global Social Theory is a new, collaborative resource on social theory from a global perspective. It provides free-to-read entries on key concepts and thinkers such as transnationalism, diaspora and Franz Fanon. Edited by Gurminder K Bhambra, Professor of Sociology at Warwick, it is
African sources of information
Kenya digital archives: Google has been partnering with the Kenyan National Archives to provide free access to a great new online digital library . This currently has 8 online exhibitions with over 1,000 items in total. Topics are heroes of the nation (including independence) traditional carvings, calabash currently available are images and photographs only. Other […]
Who trusts advertising ?
Free to download from the Nielsen site a report on global trust in advertising. It considers whether people trust traditional media more than the internet online and mobile. Does it matter where they live or their age.
Digital Exclusion
Digital Exclusion Heatmap Get data on the extent and nature of digital exclusion in the today using this handy map from charity Go On. It uses data and analysis from Local Government Association and The London School of Economics and Political Science to measure basic digital literacy skills in the UK. Look up a local […]
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