According to the World Economic Forum Global Gender report which ranks over 140 economies on health, economic, political and education factors. The site has 10 years worth of data so it enables tracking of progress over the last decade. Methodology is provided.
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Facebook launches Notify News App
As a dedicated app for iOS, it’s designed to be a central hub for alerts from a variety of partners, including BuzzFeed, CNN, Washington Post, Vogue and the Weather Channel. (Time Inc, which owns Fortune, is also a partner in the new app.) See the Facebook blog for an introduction More information is at […]
Paris attacks
News reports Two useful sites which aggregate reports from other sources 24/7 News Now covers more than 40,000 sources. Country indicated by national flag next to the headline. EMM lists top stories has lists of sources in the left For a broader picture on trends see the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) University of Maryland containing […]
New Databases on Economic Liberty and Human Development
Prof. Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid) has made two new datasets publicly available: HIEL – Historical Index of Economic Liberty HIHD – Historical Index of Human Development Both databases can be freely downloaded, together with discussion papers that outline the main concepts and how the indices were constructed. A detailed list […]
New course in the anthropology of social media
UCL have launched a free online course in the anthropology of social media. It will start on the 29 February and is open to anyone with an “interest in social media and people.” Found out more here.
Cybersecurity and privacy of data
The Culture, Media and Sport Committee have launched an inquiry into cyber security following the recent cyber-attack of TalkTalk’s website. This will focus specifically on TalkTalk as well as more generally on privacy and regulation online. The website will have committee minutes and reports available to the public. Information Commissioners Office has issued a statement […]
Grant Thornton Health and Wellbeing Index.
Released this week a major new report which considers a local place based approach for improving health and wellbeing. It has analysis of the correlation between the economic, social and environmental health determinants and the health outcomes both the determinants of ill health and health outcomes for 324 Local Authority Areas in England. For further […]
Eurobarometer site upgrade
European Commission has recently revamped the Eurobarometer website. If you have not visited it before Eurobarometer is a great place for tracing free high quality cross-national comparative surveys of citizens from European nations. The first survey was held in 1974 and focused upon inflation. It is possible to download all the surveys and their accompanying […]
The Counted
The Counted launched by the Guardian newspaper to provide the public with statistical data about people killed by the police in the USA. It is possible to search by name, age, gender, ethnicity and state.
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