An online exhibition from Senate House Library which marks the 40th anniversary of the 1984 “Operation Tiger” customs raids on Gay’s the Word bookshop on charges of importing indecent and obscene literature. The site lists the books taken and has original photographs plus background detail on the historic context of section 28 and the censorship of LGBT writings […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
‘Dear Jackie’ doctor letters
A digital collection from Glasgow Women’s library with some images and full text. The letters sent by teenage girls to the 1980s teen magazine health problem page. The collection offers insight into girls health and popular culture at the time. The replies are also provided.
Liberating History Podcasts
A series of 60 minute podcasts created by the Liberating Histories research team which is supported by Northumbria University, the Arts and Humanities Research Council, The LSE Women’s Library and Western University Canada.They document the history, nature and importance of magazines to the women’s liberation movement and feminism from 1960s – 1980s. The site also […]
Sites of Feminist Memory: A Map of Memorials to the Women’s Suffrage Movement
This site was created by citizen science which aims to geolocate on a visual map key sites to feminist memorials worldwide. Key figures involved in the project include Marc Calvini-Lefebvre who curates the blog Sites of feminist Memory: Women & the F-Word. site is mapping memorials statues, commemorative plaques and buildings. Entries are being […]
Irish in Britain exhibition
Created by London Metropolitan Archives, an online exhibition and oral history of Irish migration to Britain since the 1970s. It includes this YouTube introduction: Irish in Britain
Children and benefits
Global Child Benefits Tracker Save the Children, ILO and UNICEF have developed an online platform to monitor children’s access to benefits worldwide. It includes reports and data on child poverty with country files on child poverty and current social protection policies and programmes. It includes information on funding levels. Full methodology is provided on the website.
Humanitarian Research and Innovation Landscape 2024
‘Global Insights: Humanitarian Research and Innovation Landscape 2024 An extensive report from ELRHA (Enhancing Learning and Research for Humanitarian Assistance), based on interviews with those working in the industry, presents ‘new evidence which points to the need and opportunity for a strategic move away from a pervasive overreliance on European and North American institutions, towards […]
Digital Art History Directory
Digital Art History Directory.Recently launched by the Art Libraries Society of North America, a free resource which aims to provide a single platform to examples of digital art history websites as well as case studies on their organisation and implementation. It has a directory of open images and open data websites.
Urban Heritage Atlas
The UNESCO Urban Heritage Atlas has just been launched. The Atlas currently features 10 World Heritage cities It provides interactive maps, histories of the construction , architectural features and cultural historical importance of each of the cities.
Womens history month map
There are new entries on the Women’s history month map for Bolivia, India and USA.
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