A tool developed to provide researchers and the public with provide up-to-date information on potential risks to civil aviation arising from armed conflict. It includes notices from its member states on risks they have identified related to aircraft safety in certain conflict regions of the world. Material includes full text notices. Items date from approximately […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
50 years of credit cards
Its 50 years since people started using credit cards in the UK with the issue of the first Barclaycards. The BBC has a fascinating social history feature. For more in-depth resources try these recommendations!: UK Card Association has a timeline of key events including introductions and milestone figures. For history of specific cards see: Diners […]
Is Britain Divided?
Yes, according to the latest issue of the Social Attitudes survey released this week. Britain divided? Public attitudes after seven years of austerity this focuses on how the public feel about social class, work and society. It considers whether financial cuts and austerity policies have effected attitudes as people believe Britain is more divided. Other […]
Britain’s relationship with the EU on film
British Pathe films on Britain’s relationship with the EU including negotiations to join the Common Market.
2016 Global Food Security Index findings report
This is the fifth edition of an Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) study, commissioned by DuPont, which covers issues of affordability, availability and quality of food across 113 countries using 28 unique indicators. Free registration required On this topic try also annual FAO state of World food insecurity report and hunger map World Food Programme food […]
Business and Management MOOCs
For a subject-based list take a look at the FT tracker for business and management In the UK a major service with content from the British Library and other major universities is FutureLearn Also well regarded are courseera
International Political Science Association launch a MOOC
Coming soon a range of free politics and International relations courses from this specialist professional society The blog describes how they aim to form a core introductory curriculum. In the UK a major service with content from the British Library and other major universities is FutureLearn Also well regarded are courseera
Where are employees the happiest?
Find out in the latest Edenred-Ipsos Barometer survey Ipsos interviewed over 14,000 workers in 15 nations in January 2016. At the top of the ranking were American employees followed by those in China. Issues considered include the work environment, appreciation and emotion. This involves consideration of motivation and the impact of HR policies. The report […]
World refugee day 2016
Find out why we need to support refugees by consulting the UNHCR Global Trends report 2015. More than 65.3 million people were displaced in 2015 These charts from UN Dispatch clearly show the gravity of the situation and recent trends.
Did the polls get the referendum results right?
Here are some useful starting points for tracing the polls. Remember to check the methodology used. The What UK Thinks: EU Poll of Polls from the NatCen for Social Research is based on the average share of the vote for ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ in the six most recent polls of voting intentions in the EU […]
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