PSA Commission on Care Report Towards a New Deal for Care and Carers was launched last week. It was based on a year-long inquiry into the state of care for older people in England undertaken by academics and policy experts from the Universities of Warwick and Liverpool, the Women’s Budget Group and the Fawcett Society. […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
WGBH Openvault – Historic US TV and radio
Free access to clips from the WGBH Media Library and archives which includes TV and radio programmes many with transcripts. Listen to Nixon campaigning in 1968 The organisation is a public service broadcaster and it includes key PBS broadcasts. Special collections include the 1983 history of the Vietnam war, plus highlights from the Educational Radio […]
Historic US election results
USA Presidential elections. Here are some historical data sources. Official vote counts for federal elections since 1920 from the official sources compiled by the Office of the Clerk. National Archives: Historical Election Results The Office of the Federal Register at the National Archives coordinates the functions of the Electoral College on behalf of the Archivist […]
US presidential elections (again)
To celebrate (!) the forthcoming elections here are some favourite historic digital collections. Museum of the Moving Image: the Living Room Candidate Has online commercials from 1952 and includes examples from 2016. In terms of the latter the blog provides a great daily commentary on events. Search the site by candidate and issue. See some […]
NI Archive
Brendan Duddy Papers at NUI Galway. A new digital collection. Brendan Duddy was a Derry businessman born in 1936 and with an involvement in community affairs, civil rights in Northern Ireland. A protestant, he had a peace role with all communities and witnessed key events from the 1970s-2008. The papers include newspaper clippings and his eye-witness statements relating […]
British boards do not reflect ethnic diversity
The conclusion from the Parker review published this week which recommends quotas to enhance BAME employment prospects. See the CBI reaction. For background see his House of Lords briefing on black and ethnic minority employment trends. It includes links to earlier policy reviews, stakeholders and basic data. These include materials from the Ethnic Minority Stakeholder group […]
2016 summer Olympics and Paralympics web archives
Free access via the Archive-It service to material collected by the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) There are over 4,000 materials from a range of different countries covering the events in Rio. The web archive has snapshots of sites taken at stages before and during the games. There is also a search feature. There are sections […]
Where is the worst place to be a journalist?
According to the 2016 Index produced annually by The Committee to Protect Journalists Somalia tops the rankings. The list was released on 2nd November as International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists. This event calls on nations to condemn attacks on journalists and to bring the alleged perpetrators to justice.
European Parliament Research Service (EPRS)
The EPRS produces research documents to inform MEPs preparing for votes in the European Parliament. These research papers are made available to the public and can be found on Think Tank Documents produced include; At a glance – 2 pages long, meant to inform MEPs before plenaries. Contain links to other sources. Briefings – up to […]
US Elections 2016
Political Bots: are they manipulating the USA Presidential elections? An interesting project on digital politics and algorithms which is considering how the use of automated scripts, commonly called bots, on social media manipulates and is a form of political propaganda. It is surveying industry insiders as well as building a database of political incidents involving bots. Some […]
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