This major report published by the International Telecommunications Union captures the level of ICT developments in 175 economies worldwide and compares progress since the year 2014. It includes ICT Development Index (IDI). The IDI is a standard tool that governments, operators, development agencies, researchers and others can use to measure the digital divide and compare […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
World AIDS Day
1st December was World AIDS Day. In its latest report UNAIDS announced the positive news that 18.2 million people now have access to antiretroviral therapy, but warned that 15–24 years of age is a highly dangerous time for young women. For data on AIDS worldwide try the AIDSInfo website UNAIDS has reports on United Nations […]
Where do Graduates Move to?
Interesting report from the Centre for Cities which argues that there is a brain drain with UK graduates migrating towards London and other larger cities. Get the full facts by downloading the report from the website.
Which areas of the UK are the most vibrant (economically)?
Find out by consulting The Vibrant Economy Index, a new resource launched recently by Grant Thornton which aims to measure and rank the economic and social well being or vibrancy of 324 UK local authorities. Criteria examines the balance between economic growth, social equality, sustainability and healthy and happy people. According to the index Cambridge […]
Online fact-checking – a growing trend
A recent report from the Reuters Institute has traced the rise of political fact-checking sites in Europe. It recorded 113 such groups are active today. More than 90% were established since 2010; about 50 launched in the past two years alone. The recent US election campaigns have raised issues of truth in the media. This […]
Oxford Guidance on the Law Relating to Humanitarian Relief Operations in Situations of Armed Conflict
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has just launched this guide compiled by the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict and the Oxford Martin Programme on Human Rights for Future Generations which provides information on international law relating to all aspects of humanitarian aid in war. It includes coverage of […]
European Digital City Index 2016
Launched by Nesta to measure how well cities support start-ups and digital entrepreneurs. This year it has expanded and now covers 60 cities. The methodology ranks cities according to a number of factors including access to finance, infrastructure, mentoring and more. Full details on the website. London has the highest rating and the city file […]
UN Blue Book Series now online
The UN Dag Hammarskjöld Library has digitized 19 books in this important series. Titles in this series include: The United Nations and Apartheid, 1948-1994; United Nations and Human Rights, 1945-1995; The United Nations and Cambodia, 1991-1995; The United Nations and Nuclear Non-proliferation; The United Nations and El Salvador, 1990-1995; The United Nations and Mozambique, 1992-1995; […]
Media pluralism and democracy
Published this week, the latest Eurobarometer survey of EU citizens on Media pluralism and democracy found that 57% of EU citizens believe that the media in their countries lack independence from political and commercial pressure and 75% of the respondents have experienced hate speech on social media.
Internet freedom has declined for the sixth consecutive year
…according to the latest annual Freedom on the Internet report from Freedom House. In particular it highlights the restrictions being placed by many countries on instant messaging apps. Download the full text of the report for national rankings to find out which nations are considered the most free and most censored in terms of internet […]
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