Find out by reading the latest OECD PISA reports. This also provides country surveys which consider where teenagers feel happiest. Issues considered include socioeconomic background, bullying, use of ICT, leisure time activities, diet and family and school environment. For information on the UK – the ONS has just released the annual Young Peoples Well-being report […]
Social Sciences and Humanities Librarians’ Blog
Women in Congress, 1917-2017
Free access to this reference book from the Library of Congress. It includes essays and statistics designed for the general public which trace the history of women’s representation in the US parliamentary system.
Chinese investment in Latin America
Free access to this detailed database from Inter-American Dialogue’s China and Latin America program and Boston University’s Global Economic Governance Initiative (GEGI) which provides facts about loans and investments made by the China Development Bank and China Export-Import Bank to Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC). It is possible to browse by nation, sector and type. Items can be shared […]
Equality Challenge Unit reveals Female, LGB and Ethnic Minority STEMM academics face disadvantage.
The Athena Survey of Science, Engineering and Technology (ASSET) 2016 report assessed the current experiences, expectations and perceptions of gender equality in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) academia using criteria relating to perceptions of gender equality, recruitment, job and career, caring responsibilities, training and leadership. It found that female STEMM staff were more […]
Gender Pay Gap reporting is now compulsory…
… for employers with 250 or more staff. To find out about the new system see the UK government website and read the legislation. Alternatively see the video announcement via Tweet from Justine Greening Other resources on this subject: Acas guide The Fawcett Society see it as a great opportunity. But highlight issues. The Guardian commented that this […]
World Autism Awareness Day
2nd April is World Autism Awareness Day. Find information on the United Nations website this includes the official resolution and details of this year’s observation when legal capacity of persons with autism will be discussed. Why it is important? Because According to the National Autistic Society around Around 700,000 people may be autistic. Aside from the […]
The Gender Gap in Internet Access
On 15th March 2017, the Broadband Commission Working Group on the Digital Gender Divide launched its final report Recommendations for action: bridging the gender gap in Internet and broadband access and use. This has some focuses specifically on the Internet as a means to increase women’s empowerment. It also includes a useful bibliography of links […]
Good Practices for Urban Refugees Database
A site created by UNHCR staff to gather together good examples of policy and practical implementation for those working with urban refugees. Items have been submitted by NGOs, civil society organisations, academic researchers government and community based groups. It is possible to search by keyword or browse guidelines and tools by creator, sector and region. […]
Who Governs Europe?
A database from the University of Nottingham which offers insight into the political history of Europe and the government of 48 nations from (1848-2015). It is possible for users to get data on the process of political institutionalisation trends in party systems, types of political system, electoral volatility and the composition of individual governments in […]
Brexit Digital Library Collection
With the triggering of Article 50, here is an opportunity to compare the 1975 and 2016 EU referendum campaigns. Launched this week as part of the LSE Digital library the Brexit collection which has digitised pamphlets from 1975 and 2016 allowing you to directly compare content, style and rhetoric. You can sort by title, subject or […]
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