Inclusive Growth Commission
RSA Launch Inclusive Growth Commission. Read the prospectus of this new Commission which will be examining ‘practical ways to make local economies across the UK more economically inclusive and prosperous, devising new models of place-based growth.’ It will report in March 2017. Key themes include how to build inclusive labour markets (preventing gender and race barriers, […]
UK Data Service Training
The UK Data Service is providing the following webinars in May and June: Key issues in reusing data, 4 May 2016, 15.00 – 16.00 The UK Census Longitudinal datasets, 6 May 2016, 14.00 – 15.00 Data management basics, 12 May 2016, 15.00 – 16.00 Webinar: What are APIs?, 26 May 2016, 15.00 – 16.00 Webinar: What is MongoDB?, […]
Urban Africa RISK website
The Urban Africa Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) website has been launched to provide information and community resources for a three-year programme, funded by the UK Department for International Development and the Economic and Social Research Council, looking at urbanisation and disaster risk reduction in African cities. It has case studies on resilience management. The project is focusing in depth on four […]
Where is the world’s happiest country?
Find out in the 2016 update to the World Happiness report. It ranks 156 nations according to a number of detailed criteria which are explained in the methodology. The report also considers how subjective well being can be measured by researchers, issues relating to happiness and public policy and sustainable development. It also considers how […]
How can UK universities improve the teaching of quantitative research methods in the Social Sciences?
This is the topic of a major new report just published by the British Academy. It calls for a greater emphasis upon developing skills more extensively and earlier in courses. Case studies of innovative courses from overseas are provided.
Gender discrimination in the UK.
Following on from last week’s TUC report which found that ‘Women who become mothers before 33 earn 15% less’, the UK Government this week released the results of a survey on pregnancy and maternity-related discrimination and disadvantage in the workplace based on survey interviews with 3,254 mothers and 3,034 employers. Shockingly 77% said they had […]
‘Women who become mothers before 33 earn 15% less’…
…than other UK women who do not become mothers according to a report released by the TUC. Statistics are based on IPPR research. They examine the wages of women and men in the 1970 Birth Cohort Study which covers 17,000 people. They compare the weekly earnings of those in full-time work at age 42 who […]
Research Ethics Library
Now offered in English, this great resource with articles and guidance is from the Norwegian Research Ethics committee. It has an introduction for the social sciences which is suitable for students Articles and guidance on key topics such as the use of human subjects, applying for funding, data protection, academic citation and correcting bias. Some […]
New data visualisation site from the Office for National Statistics
Now in Beta version Visual.ONS which aims to provide new visually interesting and accessible displays of official statistics. For instance see this display on household income inequality which has interactive features inviting users to find out where they fit in. There are very clear visual displays on this article on smoking. All materials link […]
For International Women’s day
The Fawcett Society launched the report- Parents, work and care: Striking the Balance’ which shows disparity in perceptions of working mothers – the CEO stated. ‘The motherhood penalty and daddy bonus are still a strong feature of our workplaces. It’s clear that when a woman has a baby she is overwhelmingly perceived as becoming less […]
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