Should sexist adverts be banned?
This week the first prosecutions were made against adverts considered sexist by the new ASA code on gender stereotyping. See which adverts were penalised in this press report from the Guardian The Advertising Standards Authority website has the full text of the code and guidelines. Responses to the guidelines include: the Fawcett society which feels that […]
Who is the most charitable?
Find out in the latest edition of the Charities Aid Foundation UK Giving report released recently. It is based on over 12,000 interviews of citizens and looks at who gives, the types of charities, methods of giving and why. It also includes data on volunteering trends and purchase of ethical products. The website has a publications library where you […]
The Scottish Suffragette Cities Project
New website from Robert Gordon University which aims to map the struggle for the women’s vote in Scotland. It is mapping the region around Aberdeen with the location of suffragist and suffragette activity adding notes on meetings and protests. Details are given of what took place and who was involved. A really great complement to the Mapping […]
New president’s online collections
Recently added to the Library of Congress website: the papers of President James Garfield. The Garfield collection includes approximately 80,000 items, mostly dating from 1850 to 1881. Garfield’s papers include correspondence, diaries, speeches, records of his Civil War military service details of a disputed election in 1876. The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) and the National Archives’ Office of […]
49% of adults in the UK use social media for news
Fascinating fact from the Latest Ofcom news consumption in the UK annual report. Yet only 37% trust social media. Get the full facts by downloading the report from the website. It covers TV, radio, social media, Internet and includes information on levels of trust. Excel and raw data files can be downloaded from the website. […]
Stonewall 50th commemoration web archive
Just launched by Columbia University, a searchable web archive of 50th anniversary commemorations of the Stonewall uprising. The Stonewall uprising a key event in LGBT history. Over a hundred US sites have been archived preserving the images and audio-content including interviews with original participants. They include the sites of academic libraries, radio stations, NGOs and […]
Poverty in the UK
4.5 million people are more than 50% below the poverty line, and 7 million people are living in persistent poverty in the UK. Shocking findings this week from the the 2019 annual review of the The Social Metrics Commission an independent Commission formed to develop a new approach to poverty measurement based on actual family […]
Human Trafficking
30th July was World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. The official UN website provides background on the need for the day and related United Nations publications. Other useful sources for facts include: UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2018 provides data on types, victims and regional flows. It records that 70% of the detected trafficking victims […]
Recently a British teenager won almost a million in championships of the computer game Fortnite. So what other good news can we find in evidence of the positive aspects of gaming? Economic impact The BFI report, “Screen Business: How tax incentives help power economic growth across the UK”, says that the gaming industry directly employs […]
International Energy Agency (IEA) databases
The UK Data Service provides access to the International Energy Agency (IEA) databases to UK Further and Higher Education institutions. They are funded by the ESRC, and pay for the IEA licence costs centrally, so there is no cost to institutions. These are high quality datasets, which would be expensive for individual institutions to purchase […]
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