Global voices advocacy
A report on the internet firewall in China. Surveys the 2013 battle between Chinese netizens and China’s Great Firewall:
Twitter transparency An official site set up by Twitter reports on how many requests they have had from governments for removal of information and account details. It is also adding data on where sites are blocked.
Aid Worker Security database Produced by the Humanitarian Outcomes, a team of specialist consultants, this database provides statistics on violence against aid workers. Reports are from 1997 onwards. Topics covered include kidnapping, injury and murder of aid workers. Categories covered are NGOs, the International Movement of the Red Cross/Red Crescent, donor agencies and the UN agencies belonging to […]
True of false?
The Washington Post has produced a checking program, Truth Teller, that displays “TRUE” or “FALSE” in real time next to video of politicians and pundits as they speak. There is a transcript of speeches and if you flip to the Fact Check tab it will note statements as true or false.
Net Children Go Mobile Project A new project funded by the Safer Internet Programme of the European Commission has been launched. It will study data on children and the mobile internet in Denmark, Italy, Romania and the UK. This will produce both quantitative and qualitative data and research reports. The website has project specifications and news.
New interactive guide to humanitarian financing Based on the Global Humanitarian Assistance reports produced every year by the Development Initiatives think tank. It aims to map map out how players interconnect and how the information, financing and other resources flow through both the formal and informal system.
Window into China
A Carnegie Endowment for International Peace website. It is collecting pieces written in China by Chinese scholars and experts. The emphasis is on security and foreign policy.
Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK and EU, 2005-20–poverty-and-social-exclusion.html New report from the UK Office of National statistics. The percentage of people who say they are unable to meet unexpected financial expenses has increased considerably since the start of the economic downturn, up from 26.6% in 2007 to 36.6% in 2011. The proportion of people unable to afford an annual holiday has also […]
Ipso Mori state of the nation report 2013
Ipso Mori state of the nation report 2013 examined public attitudes towards the economy and indicated a growing optimism in relation to last year. Ipsos MORI carried out 2,515 interviews online with British adults aged 16-75. Fieldwork took place between 23-27 November 2012. Other topics include brutishness & national identity. For older materials on […]
Top 100 gay-friendly employers
Stonewall releases 2013 list of top 100 gay-friendly employers Find out who heads the list and the criteria used by downloading the analysis from the website: On a related theme in the USA, the first Municipal Equality Index (MEI), a rating system of LGBT inclusion in municipal law has just been released by the […]
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