UK Web Content to be archived
The Legal Deposit Libraries of the UK and Ireland are to archive UK web content for the benefit of future researchers. More information from the BBC and the British Library Curators of the web archive has selected their top 100 websites:
Reminder: Kissinger documents
Recommended resources for research on Kissinger’s diplomacy include George Washington University National security archive which has made transcripts of declassified secret documents some free briefing books have links to key documents. Find an example here Kissinger also has an official website which has a biography, plus transcripts of speeches and articles. These mainly date from 2002 […]
The Economics of Chocolate
The International Cocoa organization provides free access to basic statistics on prices see the monthly market reviews. It also has a section on the chocolate industry For trade try UNCTAD – there is a special report from 2008 for cocoa. You can also trace recent statistics fro cocoa and chocolate on the UNCTAD stats website. The Fairtrade […]
Political Lobbying and PR
Interesting report issued by Center for Responsive Politics relating to the current extent and use of lobbying in American politics – Lobbyists 2012: Out of the Game or Under the Radar? The website also has a useful lobbying database with further facts and figures: In the UK the Public Affairs Council was […]
The Australian Women’s Weekly (1933 – 1982)
Freely available on National Australian web service, Trove: This title has one of the largest circulations of popular women’s magazines in Australia. Its archive is of great relevance for students and researchers of social history as it includes colour images and contemporary advertising. Which are fascinating for tracing women’s history, advertising and popular culture […]
Opengendertracking project
A project which aims to build software to track gender content in online news stories. The website provides an explanation of the project. This launch page includes details about bias and the under-representation of women in news stories. It includes stories measuring women in UK news.
Economy of Cyprus
Find some back ground data on the ongoing crisis. Get Euro area debt data from the ECB: The World Bank data site has many useful graphs on Cyprus covering economic, finance and development issues: The statistical service of Cyprus also has up to date economic data on its website: The IMF has […]
Human Trafficking
A new report from the Centre for Social Justice – It Happens Here: Equipping the United Kingdom to fight modern slavery – argues that the authorities do not know the scale of human trafficking in the UK. See reports and a strategy for tackling human trafficking on the Home Office website: The UK […]
Ageing in the UK
A new report is available from The House of Lords Committee on Public Service and Demographic Change Also issued recently a report from NESTA entitled ‘5 hours per day’ which investigates the impact of ageing and suggests new models of living and working in an ageing society: Other useful sites for getting reports […]
Open UNDP New open data website from the United Nations Development Programme. Get official data on over 6,000 development projects in 177 countries worldwide. It includes data on individual projects and about aid flows. You can download data in IATI XML, CSV, and JSON formats.
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