What institutions do people trust?
The 2015 Edelman Trust Barometer surveyed 33,000 people in 27 countries on their trust in the institutions of government, media, business and NGOs. Its annual report for 2014 found that only 43% believe CEOs have credibility. However levels of trust in search engines and social media are rising.
Sub-Saharan Africa’s knowledge economy
Geonet is a new project from the Oxford Internet Institute. It is mapping ICT developments and analysing their potential for economic and social development.
U.S. Security-Related Agreements in Force 1955-2012
New from Rand: a database covering treaties relating to all aspects of military and defence matters. The site includes a zip file of data plus an 85 page report which analyses the content.
Which employers did not pay the minimum wage?
View the list released by the UK government. Their website also covers regulation. House of Commons Library note SN06898 provides historic data on rates and enforcement Low Pay Commission advises the government. Its website has reports and data. Use Econpapers to trace other online articles.
State of the Union 2015
Read the official White House transcript of President Obama’s speech. The Atlantic has some interesting analysis of the words used in all speeches since 1790
Are the rich getting richer?
According to Oxfam in research timed for the start of the World Economic Forum in Davos, in 2014, the richest 1% owned 48% of global wealth. Joseph Rowntree Foundation released a report showing that the proportion of people living in UK households with an income below minimum standards had risen since 2008 Use the World […]
Corporate social responsibility and education
Which businesses give to education projects? The Varkey Foundation has just released the Global Corporate Education index which examines contributions made by Global Fortune 500 companies.
45% of British adults display antisemitic attitudes
According to the Annual Antisemitism Barometer issued by Campaign against Antisemitism, ‘45% of British adults display antisemitic attitudes’. The report is based on surveys of attitudes towards Judaism and the effect of these on the Jewish community. The Institute for Jewish Policy Research raises some questions about the findings. Its website has publications on current conditions in the Jewish […]
State of Bitcoin 2015
The latest report from Coin Desk stated that in 2014 Bloomberg regarded Bitcoin as the worst performing currency. Download the full report with future predictions from the website. Quandl and Coinmetrics also have Bitcoin data
Violence against journalists
Following the Charlie Hebdo atrocity read the statement to the nation from French President Francois Hollande and view this homage A snapshot of newspaper coverage from around the world can be seen in the front page headlines for Jan 8/12preserved in the Newseum For further discussion of media coverage try Jean-Marie Charon, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales. The CPJ records that […]
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