What went wrong in the 2015 election?
View the preliminary findings from the inquiry in to the polls ordered by the British Polling Council. Its terms of reference and methodology can be viewed on the website. The BBC has also been discussing the topic this week. Also released this week Margaret Beckettis internal investigation of the Labour Party failure. Useful response on this […]
An economy for the 1%?
The World Economic Forum opens at Davos this week with the release of its 2016 Global Risks report. The risks are divided into five categories: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal and technological. Oxfam released a report that showed shows that the wealth of the poorest half of the world’s population – that’s 3.6 billion people – […]
LGBT Equality in the Workplace
Find out the best place to work in the UK by consulting the latest annual Stonewall Equality Index. The methodology examines 10 key areas: distinct areas of employment policy and practice, including networking groups, career development, training and community engagement. Interestingly, M15 and the security services are this year ranked top! The Times Higher has […]
Civil Service Women Leaders Index
EY Senior Civil Service Women Leaders Index found that the UK ranked 4th in G20 countries amongst the representation of women in senior government official posts. The highest percentage is Canada at 46.1 the UK has 38.7%. However none had 50%. Download the full text of the report to find out more data on pay […]
Only 7% of people describe themselves as feminists
According to the results from the 2016 Fawcett society state of the nation report only 4% men and 9% women polled labelled themselves as feminists. When asked to describe what the word meant to them a shocking 26% of the words used were negative e.g. irrelevant, bitchy, while 22% used positive terms such as strong-willed. This […]
World Internet Report 2015
The Center for the Digital Future has issued the latest annual edition of the World Internet Project Report. 20 nations are covered: Australia, Bahrain, Chile, China, Egypt, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, New Zealand, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay. Findings cover 10 broad […]
Primary Sources US Presidents
State of the Union 2016 Read the full transcript of President Obama’s State of the Union speech on the White House website Politico has a video of the address and main responses. The American Presidency Project has an archive of past speeches. It also has facts and figures on the length and number of words […]
Feminism in the School curriculum
This week MPs discussed the proposal for feminism to be dropped from the A Level politics curriculum. See the draft curriculum from 2015. Read the discussion in parliament held on 11th January from the official Hansard. In the debate the government minister said: “We recognise that the work of female political thinkers was not given […]
Do extroverts earn more?
Interesting report released this week by the Sutton Trust which examines the link between personality, aspirations, career prospects and socioeconomic status. It finds that people with extrovert personalities are more likely to earn more. They are also less likely to come from poorer backgrounds. Read the full text and find out what methodology it used […]
The UK in a changing Europe
http://ukandeu.ac.uk/ Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), this initiative will explore the key aspects of UK and EU dynamics, including: Impact of EU policies: how EU policies make a difference in areas such as, the single market, financial regulation, trade, investment, growth and the free movement of people Attitudes towards the EU: social and […]
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