Controversy, The House of Bishops Report: We need each other, has arisen over a recent paper to the synod which was presented as a general paper to the synod GS 2055 – Marriage and Same Sex Relationships after the Shared Conversations: A Report from the House of Bishops [item 14].
However a number of clergy objected to its emphasis on heterosexual marriage and an open letter was penned by a number of retired bishops.
The thinking Anglicans website released a survey from British Social Survey that 50% of Anglicans ‘thought there was nothing wrong with same sex’ marriage. Their website also links to other papers and news stories which generally oppose the stance of the report. They include materials from One body one faith including the case studies to be discussed and alternative interpretations of them.
See also the Stonewall response from LGBT community.
The report was rejected on 15th February. See the official statement on the church of England website.
For more information and background see statements about this topic on the Church of England website.
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