Try out this calculator from the Trust for London which calculates levels of basic income for different types of households. According to research from Loughborough University one third of Londoners currently fall below this level. The website enables you to download the full report to investigate this further.
London’s Poverty Profile 2015 has also just been released by Trust for London and New Policy Institute. This explores and cross compares levels of poverty between London and the rest of the UK. It gives the startling figures: ‘1.2 million Londoners in poverty live in a working family – up 70% in decade’. The website also has individual borough level profiles and data allowing easy comparison.
GLA report on London Living Wage (2014) this calculates a living wage and discusses what people really earn!
This article by Luna Glucksberg discusses how gentrification and high property prices ids forcing people out of London.
ONS data on affordability of housing and rented accommodation according to salary
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