“As one of the first and most prolific women of letters [Christine de Pizan] is often viewed as one of the pivotal writers of late medieval Europe. Her works reflect on important and varied socio-political, theological, cultural, feminist, and educational issues of her time. She wrote poetry, was commissioned to write the king’s biography and penned a detailed treatise on the use of weapons and warfare. She engaged in a long and daring epistolary debate about the well-known Roman de la rose, and challenged misogynist views of her male counterparts. Her last work, written during the summer of 1429 at the height of the Hundred Year War between England and France, was a valiant attempt to call both armies to their senses and to draw attention to the young Joan of Arc as potential saviour of her country, fractious and divided. Christine de Pizan died … leaving behind copious writings in poetry and prose that have almost exclusively been re-edited and in many cases translated into modern French, English and many other languages”.
The John Hopkins University digital Library of Manuscripts has a special section for Christine with a biography and digitised works with amazing illustrations.
It contains detailed list of editions of her writings on a Google sheet
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