Indian women in World War II
The Indian Women and War (1939-1945) project was created by Believe in Me CIC with funding from National Lottery Heritage Fund. It is working with young people to explore the impact of the Second World War on Indian women. It aims to make visible their contribution to the war effort. The website includes videos, booklets […]
Black students and access to HE
78% of universities are less likely to make Black students an offer to study than other similar applicants, according to the Ethnic Representation Index (ERI) launched by University of the Arts, London to measure the progress made by universities in the last year towards achieving racial equity.Its methodology is based on 4 areas: The full methodology and […]
Diversity of Muslim heritage trail
A new mapping on the Layers of London site which has been curated by the Everyday Muslim Heritage and Archive Initiative It provides a key mapping of areas of London which are of significance to the history of Muslims in London. It includes biographies of key figures. Only contains 6 entries at the time of blogging.
Health equity for persons with disabilities
The Global WHO report on health equity for persons with disabilities shows that the number of disabled people is estimated currently at 1.3 billion people – or 16% of global population worldwide – and they are at increased risk of dying earlier due to health inequalities.
Trade Remedies Data Portal
This new Portal from the World Trade Organization provides a single gateway to comprehensive data on all anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions notified by WTO members. It includes up to date reports.
Traces of South Asia
From the LSE Archives, this collection comprises documents about or created by people or organisations that have a relationship to the countries of Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.The site includes online exhibitions, biographies of key staff and student figures uncovered and links to primary source documents relating to them. […]
The trial of Joan of Arc
BL Medieval manuscripts has now digitised documents relating to the trial of Joan of Arc. They comprise two manuscripts Egerton MS 984 a second trial held after the appeal of her mother Stowe MS 84 This twitter thread provides expert commentary
Civitas Londinum
Available via the London Picture archive this great image of Civitas Londinium, also known as the Woodcut Map of London, c1561-1570. This edition published c1633, sheet 8, shows ships on the river and if you zoom in the bull and bear baiting rings.
Feminist posters
Transnational Journeys: An archival exploration of feminist posters that transcend borders at the Feminist Library An online exhibition from the Feminist Library which provides digital images of a number of international feminist posters which have been deposited in their collections since the 1960s. These explore the content, issues and questions that arise about the nature […]
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