Lesbian Herstory Archives: https://lesbianherstoryarchives.org/ “The Lesbian Herstory Archives exists to gather, preserve and provide access to records of Lesbian lives and activities. Doing this also serves to uncover and document our herstory previously denied to us by patriarchal historians in the interests of the culture that they served. The existence of the Archives will thus enable current and future generations to analyse and re-evaluate the Lesbian experience.”
Has collections hosted on different platforms, for example:
- oral history collection (http://herstories.prattinfoschool.nyc/omeka/)
- photo sampler collection (http://dcmny.org/islandora/search/?type=edismax&cp=lesbianherstory%3Acollection)
- T-Shirts (https://airtable.com/shrfogVDPf63x1UD5/tblJA6Auy6la4odYo)
- newsletters (https://lesbianherstoryarchives.org/collections/newsletters/).
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