Two shocking reports published this week.
Breaking down the barriers – National Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence and Multiple Disadvantage, considered the experiences of women and domestic abuse. Investigating its links with other forms of disadvantage such as mental health poverty, racism and homophobia.
The Commission was established by AVA (Against Violence & Abuse) and Agenda, the alliance for women and girls at risk. It was funded by the Lloyds Bank Foundation of England & Wales. The report gives guidelines and case studies.
Beneath the Numbers An exploration of the increases of recorded Domestic Abuse and Sexual Offences in London considered if there had been an actual increase in crime or in women reporting it. It gives breakdowns in London by region age and other characteristics.
For official UK statistics by area see the ONS data
European Agency Fundamental Rights has data on levels across Europe from a survey in 2012. It also has a survey from 2014
For information on a global scale these factsheets and infographics from the World Health Organization are enlightening.
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