10th October was World Mental Health Day and the first Global Ministerial Mental Health Summit has been held. Its website has reports and decisions.
Why is it necessary to focus on mental health?
- The Education Policy Unit’s Access to childrens mental health services report for 2018 found that the number of referrals to mental health services had increased by 26% over the last five years. Many areas of the country lack sufficient alternative services for young people who have not been accepted for treatment.
- LGBTQ+ Student Mental Health: The challenges and needs of gender, sexual and romantic minorities in Higher Education is the latest report from Student Minds completed by 467 students, recent graduates and members of University/Students’ Union staff. It found that ‘Many respondents noted that they experienced barriers accessing support because they feel misunderstood or judged’. It has recommendations for student unions and LGBT networks in universities.
- Mental Health care is letting down students according to the latest report released by Universities UK which considers a better coordination between universities and NHS mental health care providers.
- NHS England states that one in four adults experience issues.
- Mental health monthly statistics focus on admissions including those to adult mental health care.
- The ONS has data on suicide rates. It also has number of working days lost due to various illnesses including stress. Look at this map to explore variations in national well being
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