This week a ground breaking site was launched by the UK government which provides facts and figures on race and ethnicity in the UK. It includes population data as well as examinations of differing life experiences and conditions. Topics covered include education, health, housing, culture and employment.
The accompanying race audit shows alarming gaps in life chances between different ethnic groups.
Other useful sources of information is the Runnymede Trust which is a race equality organisation. It has recently published Race equality scorecards for different local authorities which measure performance in 7 areas.
Other features of the site include parliamentary briefings and policy responses.
One thing to remember is that inequality is often intersecting. The Women’s Budget Group and Runnymede trust released a report this week that showed BME women have been hardest hit by the austerity measures. Read Intersecting Inequality on its website.
Also related on this is the Fabian Society Bach Commission report released in the last few weeks which examined access to justice by disadvantaged groups and called for reform to legal aid.
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