Fascinating report from the Knight Foundation which focusses on findings from qualitative research with 52 teenagers and young adults in three U.S. cities: Philadelphia, Chicago, and Charlotte, North Carolina. It shows an increasing mistrust of the media and a reliance on the use of mobile technology.
In the UK Ofcom has an annual news consumption report and for the USA Pew publishes an annual state of the News Media report
For more information on social media try the free open access book from UCL Press Visualising Facebook. – do images posted in different parts of the world reflect local cultures/interests?
Interestingly, the fake news world isn’t new, according to Robert Darnton, Professor of History and University Librarian Emeritus at Harvard. The tradition can be traced back to the Byzantine empire, but its real origins can be found in early newspaper journalism in 18th century London and Paris. Listen to his podcast via ABC. Net Australia.
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