Kenya digital archives: Google has been partnering with the Kenyan National Archives to provide free access to a great new online digital library . This currently has 8 online exhibitions with over 1,000 items in total. Topics are heroes of the nation (including independence) traditional carvings, calabash currently available are images and photographs only.
Other great free resources for African Studies include:
African Studies Centre, Leiden Largest African studies collection in the Netherlands. Website provides free access to useful research guides, directories of African studies websites and African Studies Abstracts which indexes recently published journal articles.
Connecting-Africa is supported by the Netherlands African Studies Association (NVAS) it is a gateway to African research information and materials produced worldwide. It provides access to 56,157 publications from 93 repositories as well as information on 1,352 Africa experts (researchers, policymakers, development practioners) and on 890 organisations.
African e-Journals Project Collaborative effort of Michigan State University with the Association of African Universities and the African Studies Association. Provides free access to a digital archive of a small number of historic humanities and social science titles published in Africa.
African Journals OnLine (AJOL) Non-profit organisation based in South Africa which seeks to increase the transparency of African based research. Offers free tables of contents and abstracts from over 400 titles covering all subject areas. Access to the full text requires (in most cases) prepayment or a subscription. Offers free access to several major databases:
Africana Bibliographic Literature which covers over 500 multilingual journals that specialise in African Studies. Dates from 1974 onwards. Indexed by country and topic.
African Women Bibliographic Database
African water: Contains over 35,000 citations from 1986 onwards, includes references to books and government documents; journal articles; Masters theses and Ph.D. dissertations.
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