Exciting project based at the University of Toronto, in collaboration with the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (CLGA), the Digital Transgender Archive (DTA), the Transgender Archives and the Archives of Lesbian Oral Testimony (ALOT). It is seeking to build a network for LGBT oral history digital archives online across North America. It is supported by a five-year research grant from the Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada (2014-19).
The website has an excellent and growing oral history hub with recorded life experience histories. It is also developing resources on digitisation and has links to many partner projects. These are useful for scholars of LGBT social, political, history and the struggle for equal rights.
Other source of information:
Life satisfaction and sexual minorities: Evidence from Australia and the United Kingdom, a forthcoming paper from the Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization by Professor Nick Powdthavee (LSE) and Professor Mark Wooden (University of Melbourne) found that in general the LGBT community has lower satisfaction with life than heterosexuals. The study found that the only exception was gay british women who showed no difference from their heterosexual counterparts. The study also considers the link with employment, stigma and health. Data was used from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (33,000 people) and the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia Survey (12,400 people). A pre print can be downloaded from the author’s website
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