Democratic reflection App
The Election Debate Visualisation (EDV) project a collaboration between The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) at The Open University and the University of Leeds. It was created in 2010 to analyse and study the nature and impact of the first televised leaders debates. Its website has details of the study and a number of online research papers with its findings. For 2015 it has created a democratic reflection app which allows users on mobile devices to record instant responses and feedback to the televised debates. The website has examples and details about the ongoing analysis.
Box of Broadcasts has the recording and transcript of recent debates at:
- Cameron and Miliband Live 26th March Channel 4
- ITV leaders debate 2nd April
- BBC election debate 16th April
For further analysis
- Loughborough University Communication Research Centre has a blog covering media analysis of the election campaigns. This includes weekly round ups from staff.
- LSE election blog with commentary and forecasts from staff and researchers. It also includes some videos of election related events.
- University of Cambridge has a weekly ELECTION podcast – asking questions ‘no one else is asking ‘ Find out what they are from the website!
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