The Arab Human Development reports a project of the UNDP, are conducted every few years and seek to engage Arab nations in analysis and discussion of human development issues and future policy needs. Reports and papers from 2002 onwards. Topics covered include human security, knowledge, gender, opportunities.
Human Rights Index for the Arab Countries sponsored by the United Nations Development Programme on Governance in the Arab Region (UNDP-POGAR), is a repository for the entire set of United Nations documents pertaining to human rights and the responses, including reservations, by the Arab member states to the committees that monitor the core international human rights treaties. It also includes a useful directory to Arabic websites and arabic NGOs.
Arab Barometer provides free access to some public opinion polls conducted among Arab peoples. It was established in 2005 and a number of waves of research have been conducted. Topics include attitudes to democracy and a range of political and social topics. Countries covered include: Jordan, Palestine, Morocco, Algeria, Kuwait and Yemen.
United Nations ESCWA covers the region of Western Asia and the Middle East. Access news and reports on development topics.
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