Happy Holidays
With the end of the academic year comes the time where everyone packs their bags and treats themselves to a holiday. But the types of holidays people are choosing to go on has changed significantly over time. The East Midland Oral History Archive holds over 400 interviews that were conducted during the 1980s with residents […]

Women in the World of Work
Over the last few centuries women’s place in the world has changed significantly, and with International Women’s Day today it is great to see how the position of women, especially in the world of work, has changed since the first International Women’s Day in 1908. The East Midland Oral History Archives hold over 400 […]

An interview with Nora Waddington
During the 1980s an oral history project was undertaken by the Leicester Oral history Archive. These interviews are now held by the East Midlands Oral History Archives at the University of Leicester. I am currently working on a project to increase the number of these interviews that are available online (check out the current collection […]
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