School of English Blog


The Book Group

The Book Group

The Book Group was launched in October 2020 as a way to bring English students and staff together online during the lockdown necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic. Each week, one person talks about and reads from a book they cherish or wish to share, for whatever reason. It might be because the book is a […]

Joe Orton, Edna Welthorpe and Creative Writing by Bryony Adshead

After signing up for an Open Day at the University of Leicester, I was intrigued to receive an email regarding the ‘Yours Faithfully, Edna Welthorpe (Mrs)’ creative writing competition, run by Dr Emma Parker and Chris Shepherd. The prompt, ‘If Joe Orton were alive today, who or what would be the object of his satire?’, […]

Novel shortlisted for award

I’m very happy to announce that my novel, Melissa, which was published by Salt Publishing at the end of 2015, has just been shortlisted for the East Midlands Book Award 2016. The annual award is run by Writing East Midlands, the writer development agency for the region. Melissa is set in 1999-2000. On one day in June, 1999, a young […]

Melissa: Novel by Jonathan Taylor Now Published

Very happy to announce that my second novel, Melissa, has now been published by Salt Publishing. The novel is inspired by true events. Immediately following the tragic death of a young girl on a small street in Stoke-on-Trent, all her neighbours experience the same musical hallucination. This is the story of that strange hallucination, and […]

Two upcoming festivals

Two upcoming festivals

Over the next couple of weeks, I (Jonathan Taylor) am taking part in two Literary Festivals, both of which are open to the public. On Saturday 20 June, 12-1pm, I’ll be chairing a session at the Tablet Literary Festival in Birmingham. The panel, which is entitled “The Spirit and the Story,” will include well-known and award-winning novelist, […]

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