2 responses to “Alternative Models for Higher Education”

  1. Rolland Munro

    Lots to agree with here, such as the need to historicise management ideas, but mostly I want to emphasise the possibilities for thinking with students rather than treating them as receptacles for contestable ideas presented as facts.

    I treat my students as having equal, if not better, intelligence and so as the best laboratory for thinking through ideas. They are both more open and critical than many successful academics and are an untapped (and of course unacknowledged) source of creativity and vitality.

    A small beginning for us when lecturing is to historicise management fashions and fads by explaining the situational logics that were present at the time and how they might be different now?

  2. UmmeSalma Mujtaba

    I want to express my gratitude for a wonderful topic, close to my heart: bringing critical theory into practice in Higher Education, specifically Business Schools. Being based in Dubai, working with a UK branch campus I see the importance of delivering for example more culturally sound aspects within Management education. Critical theory surely assists both appealing and catering for a wider audience wanting to study management. My students in the UAE certainly appreciate it.

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