Posted by Yuval Millo in School of Business Blog on November 8, 2013
Yuval Millo joined the School of Management in September 2012 as Professor of Social Studies of Finance and Accounting. He is a leading figure in the emergent field of Social Studies of Finance, a field which Juan Felipe Espinosa Cristia, a PhD Researcher at the School, interviewed him about very recently. Within this series of four recordings, we hear Yuval responding to four fundamental questions frequently asked about the field his name has become inseparable from.
Q1: What does SSF say about financial risk? How can it add to our understanding of such risks academically and/or to financial risk management?
Yuval’s Response
Q2: The concepts of performativity and markets devices are among the cornerstones of SSF. Can you explain a little bit about them and how they are related to one another? Relatedly, can SSF offer insights about understanding the current financial and economic crisis?
Yuval’s Response
Q3: SSF scholars have been using both elements from Actor-Network Theory and from social network analysis. What are the relations between the two approaches and why are they useful for the study of financial markets?
Yuval’s Response
Q4. A group of SSF scholars has worked, as part of the Working Group on Responsible Innovation in Finance, on ideas about innovation in finance. What lessons can this work provide to students of finance and to practitioners in the area?
Yuval’s Response
Posted in Uncategorized | Tagged Accounting, Actor Network Theory, Algorithmic Trading, Bruno Latour, Economic Crisis, Finance, Financial Crisis, High Frequency Trading, Market Devices, Michel Callon, Performativity, Risk, Social Network Analysis, Social Studies of Finance (SSF), Trading, Working Group on Responsible Innovation in Finance, Yuval Millo
About Yuval Millo
Yuval Millo joined the School of Management on 1 September 2012 to take up a position of Professor of Social Studies of Finance and Management Accounting. Prior to this he held positions at the London School of Economics and the University of Essex. Yuval graduated from the Science Studies Unit at the University of Edinburgh, where he wrote a PhD about the history of the Black-Scholes option pricing model and the evolution of financial derivatives markets. Yuval is a leading contributor to the emerging field of Social Studies of finance (SSF), which develops a unified analytical framework that includes elements from accounting, financial economics and sociology and analyses dynamics in and around financial markets. SSF pays particular attention to the technological and organizational infrastructure that affect price formation. Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, Yuval’s current research includes the emergence of electronic trading in financial exchanges (with Daniel Beunza and Juan-Pablo Pardo-Guerra, LSE), the evolution of accounting standards for testing the impairment of assets (with Andrea Mennicken, LSE) and the rise of the Social Return On Investment methodology (with Emily Barman, Boston University and Matt Hall, LSE).
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