Learning Strategy Implementation

Lucy Mercer Mapstone at issotl18

Are we powerless to develop student staff partnerships?

  It’s a pretence. The idea that students and staff can work together in a partnership. The argument, put forward by Dr Lucy Mercer Mapstone at the RAISE Special Interest Group on Power Dynamics in Student Staff Partnerships, was convincing. I was left with the concern that ‘Student-staff partnerships’ or ‘Students as consultants’  are just […]

Students working on escape room activity, University of Leicester.

A Literal Escape Room: an experiential approach to study skills

Developed by Mark Van Der Enden, Tracy Dix, and Alex Patel The challenge and rationale… The problem with ‘study skills’ workshops are that, typically, they are boring, generic and students feel they have little relevance to them (Lea and Street, 2006; Rooney, 2016). In fact, it takes a GREAT deal of time, effort and expertise […]

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