Creating an effective e-learning resource: some helpful tips for a challenging process
One of my initial tasks when I started on the ‘Learning Outcomes Project’ was to develop an online resource that aimed to improve students use of their learning outcomes. My brief was as general as that, however, I knew that we wanted a resource that students would find useful as a learning support and would help them to […]
The learning outcomes teachers should set for themselves
At the end of this module, I will know more about: the learning strategies my students use in this module; why they choose these strategies; how my students approach particular activities, such as reading set texts. All of my previous posts, and all of the work undertaken in the ‘Learning Outcomes Project’ so far, […]
Unravelling the assumptions in learning outcomes
In a previous post I described a specific study that we are currently undertaking in the ‘Learning Outcomes Project’ that aims to explore frameworks regarding how student involvement in developing learning outcomes (LOs) could occur and what type(s) of LOs support collaborative student/tutor development (e.g. content-based ones, broader ones, those that are more specific or tightly […]
Students developing their own learning outcomes
In a recent post I questioned how we might frame the concept of learning outcomes (LOs) from the students’ perspective. I was interested particularly in developing a student-focused definition of LOs that goes beyond LOs simply as statements of what a student will know, understand or be able to do at the end of a learning period. […]
Beyond content knowledge: learning outcomes and affective skills
In one of my previous post’s I provided some details about a range of particularly interesting learning outcomes (LOs) related papers that I’d come across during the course of my systematic review of the LOs literature. In this post I would like to highlight a few more that readers interested in this topic might like to explore. In particular, I would like to focus […]
How do we frame the concept of ‘learning outcomes’ for students?
In a previous blog post I detailed a current project that we are working on which concerns engaging students in the process of developing learning outcomes (LOs). I had a very interesting conversation with a colleague the other day in which he asked me: ‘if you are asking students to develop LOs, how are you […]
The ‘Learning Outcomes Project’: update on activities
In a previous blog post I discussed my disconnection from the idea that learning outcomes (LOs) are ‘student-centred’ because, predominantly in current practice, students play no role in actually developing them. I argued instead that LOs should be collaboratively devised by lecturers and their students to ensure that the outcomes become ‘the property’ of the learner. […]
Writing ‘learning outcomes’ is only the first step: points to consider in how teachers and students work with them
Over the last year or so I have input various times into teaching and learning development sessions run by the institution for new and existing members of staff. My contribution has always been sought when the topic under discussion is ‘learning outcomes’ (LOs). Often these sessions, particularly for new lecturers, focus on why LOs are […]
Understanding and enacting learning outcomes: the academic’s perspective
Our second ‘Learning Outcomes Project’ paper has just been published in Studies in Higher Education. It is called ‘Understanding and enacting learning outcomes: the academic’s perspective’ and follows on from our previously published paper ‘Learning about learning outcomes: the student perspective’. Both papers are based on research we conducted with students and academic staff at the University of Leicester […]
How do your students view/use ‘learning outcomes’? Participate in our study to find out
What do your students think about ‘learning outcomes’? Do they use them? What do they use them for? Are they helpful for their learning? How could they be made more helpful? What, if any, specific aspects of their studying do ‘learning outcomes’ support? These are some of the questions that the ‘Learning Outcomes Project’ team at […]
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