This is a draft preview version of a resource currently in production.
Below are some questions and prompts designed to help study-related discussions with students during their first semester. More extensive, thematic question sets and activities are available in the Transitions Toolkit (
How has studying at university compared with what you were expecting before you arrived?
What are the main differences you have found with your previous experiences of studying?
How are you managing your time for your studies? Have you developed any particular techniques for managing your studies? Are you making use of any tools to help you manage your studies?
What about lectures? Can you describe to me/show me some of the notes you have been making?
What have you learned when it comes to how to get the most from lectures?
What about seminars/group tutorials? What’s been your experience and observations about those so far?
Can you describe to me/show me how you go about reading and making notes from book chapters, journal articles etc.?
Do you have any assignments imminent? If so, can you talk me through how you’re approaching it?
[If the student has received feedback] What does you feedback suggest you’re doing well and/or need to improve on?
If you had to select one area of your studies to improve on, what would that be and why?
What could you do to help you improve?
If we were to meet again at the end of term, what area of your studies would you most like to be able to report progress on?
What might you do, between now and then, to help yourself make this improvement?
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