This is a draft preview version of a resource currently in production.
This is a playful exercise that can run alongside more conventional activities and can be useful if lecturing on a topic heavy with specialist terminology. I came across it thanks to Learning Development (LD) colleagues at De Montfort University, with whom I was co-running an event on theory and LD practice.
An example is provided below.
Jargon Bingo example:
‘Introduction to the life and thought of Rosa Luxemburg’ (the extent to which you play it like real bingo, including prizes, cries of ‘house!’ etc. is down to you). The more pedantic among you will notice that a number of the terms don’t technically qualify as jargon, so if you can think of a better name for the activity, please go ahead!
Karl Marx |
Clara Zetkin | The Juinus
Pamphlet |
Dialectic |
Bolshevism | Bourgeoisie | Reproduction | Class Struggle |
Spontaneity | Accumulation | Socialist Democracy | The Mass Strike |
Capital | Karl Liebknecht | Exchange Value |
Small Group discussion questions:
1) What did Luxemburg mean by ‘spontaneity’ and what role did she see it playing in relation to ‘organisation’ in revolutionary class struggle?
2) How did Luxemburg’s conception of ‘Socialist Democracy’ differ from that of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party?
3) In her analysis on the relationships between capitalism and imperialism, in what ways did Luxemburg depart from/challenge Karl Marx’s analysis?
Based on your group number, you will be assigned one of the above questions. After a brief period of discussion, groups will be selected at random to share their thoughts and observations so be ready to provide brief feedback.
Generating questions exercise
In pairs or smaller groups, select three of the terms on the bingo card and come up with at least one question about each. Groups will be selected at random so be ready to share your questions with the rest of the group.
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