Come with us if you want to live [digitally]!


With a new T-shirt (hence the Terminator reference) and a new theme (assessment and feedback) the Digital Innovation Partnership is back with a bang.


Yesterday (07/11/2018) the first planning session of the Academic year took place in the brand new Digital Reading Room and saw staff and students from Informatics and Economics plan and develop their projects.


Without further ado let me introduce you to our new partners!


From Informatics:


Prof Eugene Zhang is working with Nadir Khan on increasing student engagement with, and understanding of, Computational Intelligence and software programming by developing a simulation of an educational algorithm using ants!




Dr Jose Miguel Rojas Siles working with Arjan Marway on using gamification in software testing as a form of peer assessment, using the programme Code Defenders.


From the School of Business:


Dr Francisco Martinez Mora working with Nathaniel Patel on using TopHat to facilitate teacher – student feedback in large classrooms, by creating a real-world economic dilemma for students to vote on.


Dr Richard Craggs, Director of Teaching and Learning, and Digital Advocate for the DIP scheme supports the three teams in an advisory capacity. An expert panel composed of Frances Deepwell, Jo Atkins and Steve Rooney was on hand to provide our teams with live feedback and guidance.


We are very excited to have kick-started this year’s iteration of DIP with the first planning session of the semester and looking forward to the next planning session which will be at 10am on Wednesday 14th November in the Digital Reading Room. Pop in and see what we’re up to!


We are still actively recruiting but have just a few spaces left. We are looking in particular to work with staff from History, Law, Engineering and the School of Business. Being part of DIP provides you with support and recognition for trying out something new or something you always might have wanted to do but never came round too. Most importantly, DIP will help you to use Digital technology to optimise the student experience of and engagement with feedback, a pressing priority in the current Higher Education landscape!


If you are interested in applying or want to find out more please see

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