Last Tuesday (06-11-2018) the Digital Innovation Partnership (DIP) was kindly invited by Prof Liz. Anderson to present some of last year’s excellent digital enhancement projects at the Medical School’s Lunchtime seminar. Under the enjoyment of a light lunch Nicola Baker (Physiotherapy), Andrew Gulley (ODP Education) and Terese Bird, Nasif Mahmood and Vanessa Rodwell (Medical and Social Care Education) showcased their work and Alex Patel and Mark van der Enden briefly outlined the ins and out of the DIP scheme.
The session provided the audience with an excellent overview of DIP’s mission to promote the pedagogically sound use of digital technology in learning and teaching through student – staff partnership, and the various ways in which members of staff and students, working as partners, have approached this.
Nicola Clague-Baker told us about how she worked with her student partner Oliva Bennett to review and rate Physiotherapy learning apps (, constructing an ongoing up-to-date database in support of student learning.
Andrew Gulley worked with Physiology & Pharmacology Student Anisha Abayakoon to create e-portfolios in Pebble Pad ( as an alternative to traditional paper based worksheets provided to students for revision purposes. Andrew also provided us with an update about the use of e-portfolios for the assessment of clinical performance in operating practice.
Last but certainly not least, Terese Bird, Nasif Mahmood and Vanessa Rodwell informed the audience of their project which was about the creation of a virtual reality ward round experience ( designed to better prepare students in advance for the real thing. Students taking the virtual tour reported feeling more prepared, confident and aware of what to expect.
All three presentations were very well digested (pardon the pun!) and brought out nicely how digital technology can be meaningfully employed to enhance and support student learning. For more details about last year’s DIP projects and details individual speakers see
The Digital Innovation Partnership scheme is recruiting again for this academic year and we are particularly interested in working with staff to consider how digital technology can enhance the assessment and feedback. If you want to apply or find out more see or contact:
Dr Mark van der Enden or Dr Alex Patel
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