Applications are open for the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) scheme for 3rd and 4th year Leicester undergraduates. The SURE programme provides paid opportunities for talented undergraduates to get a flavour of the cutting-edge research being undertaken within the School of Physics and Astronomy. We will host 5-6 Leicester undergraduates (3rd or 4th year students) […]
Physics and Astronomy Blog
Royal Astronomical Society Fowler Award for Beatriz Sanchez-Cano
A researcher from the University of Leicester has been recognised by the Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) for her ‘significant contribution’ to scientists’ understanding of the Martian atmosphere. Dr Beatriz Sánchez-Cano, STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellow within the School of Physics and Astronomy, has been awarded the 2022 RAS Fowler (G) Award for her research of Mars’ […]
Celebrating the Launch of JWST
Space scientists at the University of Leicester are celebrating the launch of the most advanced space observatory ever built. After 25 years and a $10bn (£7.6 million) NASA investment, University of Leicester astronomers, space scientists and engineers who have played a key role in the planning and construction of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), […]
Physics Special Topics: Santa’s Christmas magic is Real
A group of Physics students at the University of Leicester have ‘proved’ that there is such a thing as Santa’s Christmas magic. After calculating the amount of energy Santa needs to make his annual trip around the world and how much energy he would take in from all the mince pies and cookies left out […]
Announcing the 2021 Yearbook
The Physics Community Team, and the Leicester Physics News Team, are delighted to announce the publication of the 2021 Yearbook for the School of Physics and Astronomy. Continuing our annual tradition, we have brought together the very best news stories from the Physics and Astronomy community and assembled our Yearbook. The 2021 Yearbook can be […]
Space Lates 2022: Backyard Astronomy
Learn how you can get into astronomy at the National Space Centre’s first Space Lates of 2022, 18:00-21:00, 14 January 2022. Over the past two years stargazing and astronomy has become an increasingly popular hobby for many stuck at home and now Space Lates – Backyard Astronomy will introduce beginners and experts alike to the […]
Conversations with… Prof. Richard Alexander
Professor Richard Alexander is a Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics who specialises in (exo)planet formation and protoplanetary discs. Recently, he has also taken up the role of Postgraduate Research (PGR) Director within the School of Physics and Astronomy. What is your official Job Role? Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics. Can you briefly describe your role within the […]
Physics Research Bites: Space Park Leicester
We are are pleased to announce the second of our “Physics Research Bites”, a short “bring-your-own-lunch” seminar series aimed at students and staff wishing to know more about the exciting research being undertaken here in Leicester, jointly hosted by PhySoc, AstRoSoc and the Physics Community Team. Time: Friday 10th December, 13:15-13:45 (please arrive by 13:10). Venue: Room E (first […]
Astrophysics Seminar Wednesday 15th Dec, 3pm (POSTPONED from 8th Dec)
This week’s seminar will be by Rowan Smith (Manchester), on “The Cloud Factory: resolving star formation in its galactic context” Abstract: I present suites of simulations that resolve individual molecular clouds down to ~0.1 pc scales while they are embedded within a larger galaxy simulation. This enables us to study fragmentation and star formation within […]
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