SMILE SXI Passes Critical Milestone
The SMILE SXI Instrument has recently passed the Instrument-level Critical Design Review (CDR), gaining approval from ESA technical experts to proceed with the build, test and delivery of the final space-flight hardware. SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) is a joint mission between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which aims to […]
VIDEO: Modern scientist vs. 1600s scientist: Moon landings
Did you know the first Moon landing occurred in 1638? 🚀 (At least in the imagination!) Modern planetary scientist Dr Suzie Imber critiques John Wilkins’s incredible 17th c. book on space travel with help of Royal Society librarian Keith Moore and readings by Lemn Sissay.
Winchcombe Meteorite on BBC East Midlands
PhD student Niamh Topping on BBC East Midlands last night discussing findings from research taking place into the Winchcombe meteorite fall. You can watch the footage below.

Physics Research Bites: The Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE)
Our guest speaker Dr Jennifer Carter will be giving a talk on the University of Leicester’s involvement with the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE), and how the mission is used to monitor the movement of Earth’s magnetopause boundary! UPDATE: Leicester locals can watch the presentation here. Refreshments will be available in the foyer […]

Magnifying the Past with JWST
In this guest blog post by Leicester student Roshni Bakrania, which summarises a ResearchBites talk by Dr. Henrik Melin, we explore the results from the first few months of observations by JWST. December 25th 2021 marked an exceptional day for NASA, ESA and the Canadian Space Agency, as the James Webb Space Telescope had finally […]

PhD Opportunities in Physics and Astronomy 2023
We are pleased to announce the launch of our PhD Studentship opportunities for 2023 across the School of Physics and Astronomy. The list of advertised projects can be found here, including (but not limited to) topics in Planetary Science, Astrophysics, and Space hardware. STFC projects are listed here, and this is where you’d likely be looking if you […]

National Space Centre Space Lates: Apollo 17
Join the team at the National Space Centre for a special celebration marking 50 years of Apollo 17, December 7th 2022 For this Space Lates, we’re celebrating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 17 – the last crewed mission to the Moon. Explore the achievements of the Apollo Program and its lasting legacy. Come along to […]

Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst Detected by Swift
On the afternoon of Sunday 9th October, the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) onboard Swift triggered on a new and incredibly bright gamma-ray source – write Kim Page, Andy Beardmore and Phil Evans. This first trigger was followed, about seven minutes later, by a second trigger on the same source. A double trigger such as this […]

Physics Research Bites are back! The Solar System from JWST
Interested in getting a glimpse of the latest research happening right here at the University of Leicester? Join us Friday 14th October in Room E (F23) of the physics building for the first Research Bites talk of the year; featuring Dr Henrik Melin discussing the recent ventures of the James Webb Space Telescope and the […]

Leicester Space at the British Science Festival
British Science Festival-goers will be treated to some incredible events courtesy of experts from the University of Leicester. The national science showcase, which takes over the city of Leicester between Tuesday 13 and Saturday 17 September, will feature more than 100 free, engaging and off-the-wall installations, performances and activities. As a principal partner of the […]
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