Research Bites: Solar System Science and JWST

We are pleased to announce the third of our “Physics Research Bites”, a short “bring-your-own-lunch” seminar series aimed at students and staff wishing to know more about the exciting research being undertaken here in Leicester, jointly hosted by PhySoc, AstRoSoc and the Physics Community Team. 

Due to complications with COVID, our speaker Naomi Rowe-Gurney will be joining us remotely from NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center.  The meeting will therefore be hosted remotely on MS Teams, but we hope to return to in-person research talks in the coming months.

Time: Thursday January 27th, 13:00-13:45

Venue:  Online (MS Teams)

Speaker:  Dr. Naomi Rowe-Gurney

Topic:  Solar System science from the James Webb Space Telescope

Naomi completed her PhD in planetary science here at Leicester, and now works at NASA GSFC on the James Webb Space Telescope.  As JWST deployment continues to go well, we’ll hope to hear the latest news on the observatory!

You can catch up with Naomi’s presentation here.

This event will be recorded, and you can catch up on our November Research Bite with Dr. Suzie Imber and the December Research Bite with Prof. Martin Barstow.

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