Physics and Astronomy Blog


Solar System samples touch down in Leicester

Solar System samples touch down in Leicester

Samples from other worlds will be examined by space scientists at the University of Leicester as we continue to study the building blocks of the Solar System. Some of the first particles from asteroid Ryugu – returned by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) probe Hayabusa2 in 2020 – and samples from the Winchcombe meteorite, which […]

Strengthening the link in SMILE

Strengthening the link in SMILE

Dr. Jenny Carter blogs about Leicester’s involvement in the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) mission, scheduled for launch in 2024. In 2024 the Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer (SMILE) will launch and give us a novel view of how the solar wind impinges on the Earth’s magnetosphere and how the high-altitude atmosphere […]

Congratulations to Sarah Casewell and the Backyard Worlds Team

Congratulations to Sarah Casewell and the Backyard Worlds Team

Enormous congratulations to the Backyard Worlds Team, including Leicester scientist Dr. Sarah Casewell, on being the 2021 recipients of a Robert H Goddard award for science. The citation reads: For outstanding contributions to the study of brown dwarfs and the solar neighborhood, and an exceptional demonstration of the power of citizen science. Dr. Casewell is […]

Farewell to Professor Graham Wynn

Farewell to Professor Graham Wynn

The School of Physics and Astronomy bids a fond farewell to Professor Graham Wynn, PVC Education and Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics. Professor Graham Wynn, PVC Education, has been appointed as PVC Education at Northumbria University. Graham and his family are re-locating back to his home in the North East. He will take up his new […]

The 2021 Partial Solar Eclipse

The 2021 Partial Solar Eclipse

June 10th gave skywatchers a glimpse of an awesome celestial phenomenon… albeit through the cloudy skies of Leicestershire. A partial Solar Eclipse occurred on the morning of June 10th, visible from here in the UK, with about 23% coverage from Leicester. The timings of eclipses can be found using, showing coverage maps and precise […]

Astronomy seminar – Wed 9th June 3pm

Dr Rebeca Garcia Lopez (UCD) The inner regions of protoplanetary disks: an interferometric view. Find the link to the Teams connection in Astrophysics Group>Seminars. Abstract: A first step towards understanding planetary formation is the characterisation of the structure and evolution of protoplanetary discs.  Although the large scale disc is understood in some detail, very little […]

Leicester Planetary Scientist in BBC Earth Feature on Jupiter

Leicester Planetary Scientist in BBC Earth Feature on Jupiter

Dr. Henrik Melin was interviewed for a feature for @BBCEarth about the greatest of planets – Jupiter. He discusses Juno’s exploration of the giant planet, and highlights some of the latest discoveries. The feature is available to watch on Facebook Watch:

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