In Autumn 1986 Donald Greene, inspired by Thomas Gribble to find something that would really tax the erudite members of the Evelyn Waugh Society, turned to geography and asked the following fiendish questions. How many can you get? Answers next week.
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Waugh was very knowledgeable about geography, and it helps his readers to have a clear idea of just where events in his stories take place. All the answers to the questions below are real places, referred to under their real names, not fictional ones (e.g. Debra Dowa for Addis Ababa). Nos. 1-10 are in Great Britain, Nos. 11-20 are, as the British say, “abroad.”
- Where did Captain Grimes lose his leg by being run over by a tram when he was one-over-the- eight?
- Where do Adam Fenwick-Symes and Nina Blount first go to bed together?
- Colonel Blount’s estate, Doubting Hall, is situated near what town?
- Where is Agatha Runcible, having disappeared after her crash in the auto race, finally found?
- Where does Ambrose Silk, disguised as a priest, wait all night in order to escape to Ireland.
- Where do Tony Last and Milly go for the mock adultery needed for Tony’s divorce case?
- Where does the opening scene of Brideshead Revisited take place?
- In what English county is Brideshead Castle?
- Where was Saint Helena born and raised?
- Where do Tom Watch and Angela Trench-Troubridge become separated on their honeymoon trip?
- From what place does William Boot cable the Daily Beast that it is “unwarwise”?
- On what West Indian island does Therese de Vitre, the girl on board ship who attracted Tony Last, live?
- Where does Sir Ambrose Abercrombie plan to resettle after building costs drop?
- Where was Rex Mottram married to Miss Sarah Evangeline Cutler?
- Where does Rex Mottram try to take Sebastian Flyte to be dealcoholized?
- Where was John Plant living when he was informed of his father’s death?
- Where is Scott-King finally recognized and returned to England?
- What was the destination of Gilbert Pinfold’s ship, the Caliban?
- Where does a high-ranking British military commander recite from memory W. J. Cory’s poem on Heraclitus, and a British cabinet minister its Greek original?
- Where, although olives are plentiful there, are British officers stationed abroad denied them for their pink gins and forced to eat American peanuts instead?
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